Diamonds and Dogs


Free WIFI on Delta Airline (DAL) flights. Delta is up 2% as they announce they will be offering free WIFI domestically starting in February courtesy of T-Mobile. T-Mobile (TMUS) is jumping 3% as they announce record customer growth in 2022. Not bad.

Walgreens (WBA) has an opioid problem. Walgreens fell 6% following lackluster earnings as revenue fell 1.5% to $33.38 billion. Walgreens also took a $6.5 billion write down for an opioid settlement as several states alleged the large pharmacy helped fuel the opioid epidemic. In the settlement, Walgreens can say they have no admission of wrongdoing or liability. But it seems like they have $6.5 billion reasons to say they have some admission of wrongdoing.

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